Hello from
Grandmother Wind

About Wind Daughter
Wind Daughter is the adopted daughter of Bear Heart, a Muskogee Creek elder. Among her many duties, Wind Daughter has pledged to Spirit to act as Keeper of the Beta Star Bundle and Caretaker of the Black Lodge and its altars. In addition, she serves as Medicine Chief of the Bear Tribe Medicine Society, following in the steps of the late Sun Bear and Wabun Wind.
Wind Daughter has been the Medicine Chief of the Bear Tribe Medicine Society since 1996. It was founded by the late Sun Bear, of Ojibway descent. Then in late 2006, after receiving guidance through prayer, reflection, and consultation, Wind Daughter gave name to her own vision, the Panther Lodge Medicine Society along with the Black Lodge. Continuing today, Wind Daughter carries the Medicine Bundle and these Teachings forward into a new era as she has joined the two together as the Medicine Chief of the
Panther Lodge Bear Tribe Medicine Society.
After many years of teaching independently, Wind Daughter founded her spiritually oriented center, West Winds, in 1992. In 2006, Wind Daughter found a home for West Winds in the beautiful Ozark mountains of Arkansas. In 2019, the Ceremonial Home of West Winds with the Panther Bear Medicines has moved to a new Ceremonial home and grounds in Mobile, Alabama.
Since beginning her journey with her gift of drum and song many years ago, Wind Daughter has built a program of experiential workshops and retreats to facilitate others in renewing their relationship with Mother Earth, and to reach within themselves to sustain their spirits. As a trained Ceremonialist, Wind Daughter works with regional circles and groups, as well as national and international events, to assist others on their path of healing.
Wind Daughter's workshops, events and gatherings are experiential to nourish the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Healing can come forth to those who feel the experience of the medicine. She also facilitates an entire range of women's teachings, as practiced in the West Winds Women's Gatherings and workshops.
In 2001, after studying for many years under Grandfather Bear Heart, Wind Daughter was given his permission to conduct quests for personal vision in his tradition as Into the Silence as "Spirit guides her for generations to come".

Why Mother Earth Spirituality?
Indigenous Peoples from around the world view all living things in nature as Sacred. That includes people of all colors and differences. Mother Earth is so generous in what she gives us. So respect and honor is given back. For our generations of children to come, we seek to protect her.
Ceremony is a very powerful way to give back to the Earth Mother by her children. Ceremony combines the energy that we humans generate by singing, drumming, praying, and by focusing our attention in an intense and selfless manner. Indigenous Peoples throughout the world knew the importance of ceremony and made ceremony an important part of their lives to live in balance. Today, we have lost that knowledge, and we and the Earth are less healthy and whole because of that forgetting. It is through Ritual and Ceremony that we are healed.
Ceremony might seem strange to contemporary people. But we would like to acquaint you with the ceremonies in which you can participate in an experiential way. When you participate in the Medicine Wheel Gathering with all its additional ceremonies you will feel powerful as a human being. Your Soul will be fed and your Light will become Luminous.
Join us at the next Medicine Wheel Gathering for some Good Medicine!